8.1.1. Users & Groups New User
8.1.1. Users & Groups
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To add a new user to your site, click on the [new user] link in the Users & Groups frame. This will open the Create a New User window.

Fields followed by an asterisk are required fields and must be entered to save your data.

The New User input window:

Image SystemConfigNewUser.JPG

Create a New user Fields Description
Name * Required field. This is the persons real name and is typically entered as Firstname Lastname in this field
Is this user active? If this account is actively being used, check this box to allow this user access to your site
Place a lock on this user? By checking this box, you immediately lock the user out of your site, even if they are logged in
User Name * Required field. This is the user name that the person enters in the User name prompt in the DealerChoice login window. This input field in not case sensitive. You can enter the user name ini any combination of upper and lower case letters and the user name can be entered in the login widow in any combination of upper and lower case letters.
Password * Required field. This is the password the the person enters in the Password prompt in the DealerCHoice login window. This input field IS case sensitive. If you enter PASSword in the field, then the user will have to enter their password as PASSword in the login window.
Login Date Restriction You can restrict the period of activity of a user account by setting a from date and a thru date here. If the user tries to login outside of the timeframe set here, they will not be allowed to. You must make the account inactive and locked to disable the account.
IP Address Restriction You can restrict access to your site to allow access from a specific computer IP address. If you wanted to restrict certain users access to access your site only from your office, enter the IP address of your in house server here. If the user then tries to access your site from their home computer, the IP addresses will not match and access will be denied.
User ID This field allows to you enter an alphanumeric identifier (5 characters max) for this user. This identifier can be a number, letters or a combination of numbers and letters. This field is typically used on sales reps user accounts. If this field is populated, then purchase orders and customer invoices will include the User ID as part of the purchase order and customer invoice number. This helps identify the sales rep associated with the purchase order or customer invoice just by looking at the document number.
Commission This field is used to assign a commission rule to a sales rep. The commission rule definition will determine the commission this sales rep is eligible to receive on proposals. Once commission rules are defined in your system (Commissions and Overhead Tab under Company & System Settings) the commission rules can be assigned to sales reps.
Email * Required field. Enter the users email address. This address is used by DealerChoice as the From address in the Sender field on any email messages sent from within DealerChoice. Replies to messages sent from DealerChoice will be received in the users normal email client inbox.
Receive messages & alerts as email? This is for future development. Checking this box will allow any DealerChoice message and alerts to be forwarded to the users normal email client inbox.
Phone Typically this is the sales reps phone number. This is a print option field to be included on proposals and customer invoices in the document header.
Fax Typically this is the sales reps fax number. This is a print option field to be included on proposals and customer invoices in the document header.
Group This is where you assign a user to a Group. Users can be members of a single group, multiple groups or no group. Typically system permissions are assigned to a Group. All members of the group inherit the permissions of the group so individual permissions do not have to be assigned to every single user of your system.
Save User button After entering or editing user information, click on the Save User button to create or save your user information.

Editing an Existing User

To edit an existing user, simply click on the user entry in the User List to open the Edit User window.

Image SystemConfigEditUser.JPG

When you open an existing user you will notice two additional tabs; Permissions and Resources.

User Permissions are covered in the User and Group Permissions chapter.

Resources Tab

The Resources tab allows you to denote a user as a resource that can be used when creating work orders. If you have an inhouse design team, for example, and you want to include Design as a resource on a work order so you can recover the costs of design on your proposals, you can mark your designers as resources. Users of your site that are marked resources are considered "internal resources" because your dealership is the vendor associated with this resource. Users of your site that are set as active resources here can be included as resources on work orders.

Resources that are defined under the Resources tab under the Company Settings tab are considered "external resources" because a vendor (or sub contractor that you use) is the vendor assigned to these resources. See the Resources Tab section under Company Settings for details on external resources.

Image SystemConfigUserResource.JPG

Resource Tab fields Description
Resource Name * This can be either the users name or a name that you assign for this resource. You can enter a resources name such as "Designer" or "Designer 1" here, for example. Resources added to a work order are selected by the name you enter here.
Active? If this flag is checked, you will be able to select this resource to be included on work orders.
Vendor Since this is an internal resource, the vendor here will be your dealership name. Your dealership must be an entry in your vendor database.
Hourly Cost Enter the actual hourly cost of this resource. This can be the resources hourly wages plus benefits or it can be any value that you want to enter for the actual cost of your designer resource. The Sell field can be used to enter a value that is higher than your actual cost (Hourly field). The Sell amount will be used as the Cost field when this resource is imported into a proposal line item.
Daily Cost Enter the actual daily cost of this resource. This can be the resources daily wages plus benefits or it can be any value that you want to enter for the actual cost of your resource. The Sell field can be used to enter a value that is higher than your actual cost (Daily field). The Sell amount will be used as the Cost field when this resource is imported into a proposal line item.
Half Day Cost Enter the actual half day cost of this resource. This can be the resources half day wages plus benefits or it can be any value that you want to enter for the actual cost of your resource. The Sell field can be used to enter a value that is higher than your actual cost (Half Day field). The Sell amount will be used as the Cost field when this resource is imported into a proposal line item.
Description The description field is a free text input field to allow you to enter descriptive text concerning this resource. The text entered here is for internal use only.
Save User button Click on the Save User button to save your changes.

The example below shows an internal designer resource definition.

Image SystemConfigUserResourceDetail.JPG

The resource is set as active and saved. It is now available for use on a work order. An example of selecting this resource on a work order is shown below.

Image SystemConfigUserResourceUse.JPG

The example above shows the Designer I resource being added to a work order. New User
8.1.1. Users & Groups
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